I am not suitable for this business
Have you ever heard this argument from a prospective candidate during a recruitment interview? Or have you ever heard it from a frustrated partner in your group who has started to have doubts after a few attempts? On closer inspection, this statement often turns out to be a protective claim. It's less about a lack of aptitude and more about a lack of inclination. The people concerned do not like what must be done and endured in order to become successful in this business. That is something different.
Aptitude or inclination?
Of course, it takes courage to approach people again and again to invite them to a presentation. There is no question that it is unpleasant to be repeatedly rejected, ridiculed or suspected. It also doesn't lift your spirits when interested parties don't keep appointments or don't turn up for a presentation that has been arranged. Of course, it doesn't feel good when you want to follow up by phone and the person you're calling pushes you away on their smartphone or simply ignores you. Statistically speaking, we hear the word "No!" much more often than an enthusiastic "Yes!" It's true that we are disappointed more often than our hopes are fulfilled. It's true that we have to endure a lot on our way to the top. There are many situations that are no fun. But what does that have to do with our aptitude? Nothing! It's about our willingness to complete certain tasks and endure certain situations.
Enjoying what you do is not a prerequisite
Liking everything you have to do makes work easier, but it's not a prerequisite for success. Do you think that all the hugely successful people from a wide range of industries and professions sing with joy all day long and in everything they do, occasionally interrupted by euphoric cries of pleasure? Certainly not, because they are professionals who know that the work has to be done and that the less pleasant things are also part of it.
Learning to like something
The good news is that we can learn to like something. Whether we like doing something or liking someone is a matter of inner attitude - and that can be changed! We can decide to adopt a new perspective, to look at an issue or a person from a different angle. Instead of rejecting a person because of their behaviour and viewing them as an enemy, we can ask ourselves what experiences this person has had. We replace judgement with understanding - and this person no longer seems so hostile to us.
We always find what we are looking for
We can also choose to look for the interesting and positive aspects of an activity - and we will find them! We always find what we are looking for. Then we can set about learning more about it and practise doing a particular activity over and over again. Soon we will get better and better at it. And what we are good at, we prefer to do. After a while, we end up enjoying what we had to force ourselves to do at first.
A business for everyone
So what's left of "special aptitude for this business"? Not much at all. That's why it's right to say that network marketing is a business for everyone. It is not only an exciting business, but also an uncomplicated one. There are only five simple tasks that need to be repeated often enough: Approach people, invite them, present the business and products, ask for a decision and help those who choose us to do exactly the same. It's not rocket science! Anyone can actually become successful here, even those who have struggled in vain elsewhere.
You can do it!
So today I invite you to stop worrying about whether you are suitable or not. You have and can do everything you need to get to the top. And what you can't do yet, you will soon have learnt.
Just get started!